A recent poll of 2000 senior citizens asked them to evaluate which states were the most financially friendly to seniors. Alabama was found to be the most financially friendly due to its low property taxes, exemptions for social security and its affordable assisted living costs. For the complete Fox Business article, follow our link.
This is the most financially friendly state for seniors
By Jade Scipioni | Fox Business
While sunny Florida has always been ranked as the best place for seniors Opens a New Window. due to its warm temperatures and cheap home prices Opens a New Window. , according to one report, Alabama is actually the most financially friendly Opens a New Window. .
New research by Stannah Opens a New Window. found that because of Alabama’s low property taxes, exemptions on Social Security and affordable assisted living care, it outranks all other states when it comes to the budget.
Stannah, which manufactures and installs stairlifts for consumers, said it polled more than 2,000 senior citizens to find out which states were the most friendly to the elderly.
Key factors in the survey included health and safety, finance, environment, social life and accessibility.
While Alabama ranked the highest as the most budget-friendly, the top states for seniors overall were Florida, New York and Alabama. At the end of the list, in terms of senior friendless, however, was Alaska. Despite having a low crime rate and low natural disaster rate, the state has some of the highest taxes in the country — and less-than-ideal weather conditions. Read More